The Bluest Eye

The Bluest Eye, the novel written by Toni Morrison takes place after the Great Depression. The main character is the Protagonist, Pecola Breedlove. She has all of the pity from people. She believes that she is ugly and the only thing that would make her beautiful is blue eyes, the bluest. She is abused by her mother, father, and people outside of her home. She is constantly harassed, her mother loves working in rich white families houses. Her father is the worst, he is a drunk, and rapes Pecola, the second time he does, he runs, leaving her pregnant. She is very lonely, but has a good heart and mind.

~About Me~

Ohio, United States
I am young, and have a pretty hard life. I am constantly teased, and have a horrible family situation. I have also been told I am ugly, and I think I believe it. I also always wanted to be caucasion with blue eyes, then i would be beautiful and rich. But just as my life is heart breaking, so was my parents.

My Family

My Family is messed up and my life has been full of hatred and ugliness. But, so was my parents. My mother, Pauline, lived in the South growing up with her family, until Cholly came around. They fell in love and went way too fast. Now she is trapped and she only feels like she likes her life when she is cleaning the rich white people's houses. As for Cholly, he had a horrible life. His mother left him in the trash at four days old, so his Aunt found him and took him in. Later he left his aunt in hopes to find his father, when he did, he wanted nothing to do with him, and he was sent away hurt and destroyed. Now he is a drunk, who raped his daughter and inpregnated her, as well as be physically and mentally abusive in their household.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My baby and happily ever after...

My baby did not make it. It came out prematurely stillborn. As if this wasn't sad enough, my dad died soon after in a workhouse. Then it was just me and mother, and we moved to the edge of town.
So, in the end it all came down to one conclusion. I was endeed loved, but "Love is only as good as it's lover".
"Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love of a free man is never safe." p.206

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